Assessment is often helpful in understanding the strengths and challenges a client may have in their cognitive, behavioral, or emotional functioning.  It helps to “individualize” treatment or support to reflect the unique characteristics of each client, which may translate to better treatment efficacy and follow-through. Assessment provides data comparisons to help understand a client’s functioning relative to others of similar attributes (e.g., age/gender/grade) and across their own individual profile. Having this information helps to clarify processes and expectations, and allows for those in supportive roles to best fit the needs of the client.  

Many parents find that obtaining information about how their child interacts with the world, helps them to see their children with new eyes.  Children/adolescents often appreciate understanding their strengths and weakness so as to take a more active role in the processes designed to help them and to begin advocating for their own needs going forward.  Regardless of age, many clients find assessment helpful to understand themselves better and feel more motivated and connected to their next steps for treatment or intervention.  The short-term goals of assessment should be to clarify a client’s strengths and challenges, contextualize these findings within specific settings, and to support clients in finding appropriate and high-quality treatments.  The overarching goal  is to support clients in the long-term, with an eye toward their sense of well-being and self-efficacy.  

Specific types of testing services offered by Dr. Dillon are listed below.  Click each link for further information.