FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Why should I choose a neuropsychological evaluation for my child?
A: For some children with learning problems, the typical school-based evaluation is sufficient to identify their academic problems and to recommend appropriate intervention. However, some children have more subtle or complex learning problems that may require a more comprehensive and detailed evaluation that is conducted by a professional with expertise in the relationship between brain functioning and learning / behavior. In addition, the typical school-based evaluation is unlikely to be comprehensive enough to assess the breadth of cognitive functions and behavior impacted by neurological conditions such as epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and other neurological conditions.

Q: What is the difference between a clinical psychologist and a clinical neuropsychologist?
A: What distinguishes a clinical neuropsychologist from other clinical psychologists is extensive knowledge of brain development and functioning, including a working understanding of: neuroanatomy, neurobiology, psychopharmacology, neurological illness or injury, the use of neuropsychological tests to accurately assess cognitive deficits, and the management, treatment and rehabilitation of brain injured and neurocognitively impaired patients.

Q: How should I prepare my child for the evaluation?
A: Make sure your child gets a good nights sleep and eats a healthy breakfast. You can inform the child that they will be doing things like remembering stories, working with blocks, and drawing designs to see how their thinking skills work and how they best learn. Some parents may wish to explain to younger children that they will not be going to see a medical doctor and nothing will hurt.

Q: How long will the appointment last?
The answer to this question depends on the reason for evaluation, the patient's medical history, and complexity of the individual case.  Appointments generally range in duration from four to eight hours a day. In most cases, a child between the ages of 4-8 will be seen over three half days. Children and adolescents from the ages of 9-18 can usually be seen in two full days. Adults can often complete testing in one full day. Before an appointment, we will ask you to complete some history and registration forms.

Q: What will be done to protect my privacy?
A: Information that we receive in the course of patient care is kept strictly confidential. No information is released to a third party without a patient's explicit authorization, except in the following circumstances.

The law requires psychologists to:

  • Report any disclosure or evidence of physical or sexual abuse of a child to authorities.
  • Report any abuse of an elderly or disabled person to authorities.
  • Report the probability of imminent physical injury to the patient or others.
  • Respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal proceedings or statues requiring disclosures.
  • Please ask if you have any questions regarding the limits of confidentiality. 

Q: What are the fees and will my insurance cover the cost of the evaluation?
A: Fees are based on the type of evaluation performed and the scope of services provided.

Dr. Dillon does not accept insurance; however, a portion of the evaluation cost may be reimbursed by your insurance plan. A bill with the appropriate procedure and diagnostic codes will be provided for individuals seeking reimbursement through their insurance plan. In general, if you or your child have been diagnosed with a medical condition (e.g. epilepsy, traumatic brain injury) by a physician, a portion of the cost of the neuropsychological evaluation may be reimbursed by your health insurance through the medical component of your plan. If you or your child have what insurance companies consider to be an educational condition (e.g. ADHD, learning disorder) it is unlikely that the evaluation will be covered by your medical insurance plan. It is strongly recommended that you contact your insurance plan to determine "parity" or mental health coverage for the assessment of ADHD or other mental health conditions.



LD Online  ldonline.org
LD Online article: Understanding the Differences Between IDEA and Section 504
International Dyslexia Association dyslexiaida.org
National Center for Learning Disabilities ncld.org
LD Laws:  ncld.org/stateofld


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) asha.org


Kids In The House kidsinthehouse.com
American Academy of Pediatrics aap.org
Child Mind Institute childmind.org


LADDA -- Attention Deficit Disorder Association:  add.org
CHADD -- Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder: chadd.org
National Resource Center on AD/HD:  help4ADHD.org
A Family AD/HD Resource:  ADDresources.org
Women with ADHD:  geocities.com/ADDmirablewomen/  OR www.ADDvance.com
ADDitude Magazine:  ADDitudemag.com
Online ADHD Community and Newsletter:  ADHDnews.com


National Alliance on Mental Illness:   nami.org

Ani Dillon, Psy.D., Inc. does not represent that we have examined the contents of these websites (and/or their links) in detail either in the past or as they may appear when you view them. We do not vouch for the accuracy of any materials on these websites (and/or their links), nor do we necessarily agree with all information and opinions expressed within them. The quality and accuracy of these listings may vary widely and should be considered carefully by any reader.